Friday, June 27, 2008

A bum of our very own....

I don't know if this is humorous or sad. We've decided to take the lighthearted approach.
Andy found this gentleman "parked" right outside our garage door at 1:00am this morning. He looks quite comfortable and doesn't seem to mind that his wallet is out in the open for anyone to steal. He was "sawing some major logs" (snoring for my international friends) while Andy took these pictures.
Apparently this is not uncommon and not something to get overly concerned about in Korea. We were told that Koreans fall asleep anywhere.
He probably had a bit too much soju...maybe his wife locked him out...or perhaps he couldn't find where he needed to go when he saw the oh so inviting patch of concrete next to our "no parking" cone and bedded down. Bless him.

So let's talk about that "no parking" cone for a minute. It is there so that we can park in the garage thus freeing up a space for someone else to park on the street. In spite of the cone, TWICE now the same person has parked their car in front of the garage blocking us in. Not a big deal unless you need to use the car to go pick up hubby from work at 12:30 in the morning. Or hubby comes home and needs a place to park at said hour.
I won't go into details but the last time this happened, Andy was greatly inconvenienced, and not for the first time. After a 14 hour day at work....he came home to "no place to park" even though we are paying a lot of money for this parking spot...let's just say that the whole entire street was awakened, including a sleepy sick wife (me) until that car was removed.
Things have been pretty quiet since... until last night. It was my turn to have the car and I usually drive to pick hubby up. This time he wanted to walk home which is a good thing...because I would have gotten in the car in the wee hours...not expecting a human speed bump in the way and I probably would have run him over.

Note to self: Check perimeter of vehicle for human FOD before engaging the engine.


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

It may be common, but I would find it unnerving to see a strange man sleeping outside my garage... especially if I was home by myself! Still, looking at the lighter side, I sure wish I could make myself comfortable anywhere!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a crazy thing to have happen.

The Hussy Housewife said...

What is wrong, My hubby does that every weekend? LOL! Yeah, I am sure that can be real annoying after a 14 hour day!! I am thankful you didn't run him over! Note to his-self "Don't pass out in front of someones driveway."

Oh, and i can just see the headlines and mugshot.

You- Hair frizzed out from the humidity..eyes red from teh pollution..."Crazed American runsover man who stole her parking space."

Anonymous said...

We could learn alot from our yellow btothers

Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
When you want to come
"Franki gos to Hollywood"

Tattycat said...

Yes, please do check the perimeter before engaging vehicle. This is bizarre and you say not uncommon? I would be upset too about not being able to get my car out. I hope that will be resolved soon.