The parking in Seoul is extremely limited but you can park on the roof of some buildings. All that's required is to drive your car into the car elevator and go up 5 or 10 stories. It's fun too, an intercity ride of sorts. I don't have a picture of the elevator but here's me walking down the stairs at Ttuksom Resort Station. It's the subway stop close to where we are learning to kiteboard. You can go to to check out the location, instructors, and wind speeds both current and forecast.
When you have gasmasks, you should have fun with them. If you don't practice and enjoy it, when you have to wear them, you will be miserable!
Bikes for rent! We want to get a tandem and cruise the entire river walk.
THat car elevator ride sounds fun and kinda scary all at the same time. Andy you look like you are having a BLAST in your gas mask! Makes me want to go out and get one right now!!!NOT!
Woot, Woot, badass blogger:)) You are like a walking circus sideshow around there with your head and skin tone. YOu should start charging people to give them piggyback rides???
You did a good job on your post Andy. You need to do it more often! We all love Sherry so much. It would be nice to know you as well. The car elevator sounds very interesting. The gas mask is not what I would call a fashion accessory but I could probably fall in love with one if I needed it! What a load of bicycles!
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