Monday, August 25, 2008

4 alarm fire in our neighborhood

Our street is directly below the ridge that is on fire. All of our neighbors have evacuated. The news mentioned that our homes should be safe. Whew.....keeping my fingers crossed that the winds don't pick up again.


I was just informed that my neighborhood in Boise is on fire. It's a very serious 4-alarm fire. My house is not burning as of yet but according to what I can see on the news it is very close to my home.
Please pray for no-one to get hurt and for our home to be spared.


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about the fire in your old neighborhood. I'm so glad you're not there right now.

Bonnie said...

I am praying that God will keep your friends and neighbors safe, as well as your home. Please keep us updated.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

How awful! Yes, I will pray for the safety of your neighbors and your home.