This particular kite is shall I put it?....violent to work with. I have seen it drag Andy across a parking lot. I have nightmares that the kite just takes off with needless to say I am a bit scared of it. I am trying to be a good sport though. Here are pictures from a fun kiting day we shared with my cousin Ryan.

Andy and Ryan untangling the kite.
This day was one of the first monsoons we experienced in Korea and as you can see, everything is very wet.
It was also a very windy day which made flying the kite extra challenging.
My arms were getting tired picking up the big wet kite so Ryan took over the launching and he and Andy made a great team.

I couldn't resist including this picture of Ryan and Andy exploring the weird creatures crawling amongst the rock.
It looks like you're getting time to relax together... wonderful! I think it's great that your cousin is there too. I'd get awfully lonely without family around!
Looks fun. I wanna try kite snowboarding!!!
Is everyone in our family crazy...I never knew it was genetic?
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