Monday, June 16, 2008

Seoul: Part three - What bargains? and It's the 80's all over again

O.k. I am running a little behind schedule these days. I finally got in to see a doc and I literally came home with a grocery bag full of pharmaceuticals. I believe these meds are making me exhausted. I've been taking like 4 naps a day and still sleeping through the night. I'm just hope I get better soon, I've been sick for over one month now.

Anyway, enough about that. I'm just going to post a bunch of crazy pictures that are kinda self explanetory and maybe throw in my two cents here and there.

Oh and before I do that I just wanted to say that we were under the impression that we were going to leave Korea with all kinds of treasures and bargains. Well, from what we've seen so far items are comparable to U.S. prices and/or more expensive.

On to the pics:
This is one of many reasons that Koreans aren't fat. They put books in their vending machines instead of junk food.
They are rebuilding Nam Dae Mun. Some whacko burned it down just before we arrived. It is a national treasure.
There is a beautiful River Walk that runs through Seoul for miles and miles. This is the very beginning. When I started getting blisters after a few hours of walking Andy decided to put me on his shoulders. We were like this 9 foot American Monster and boy oh boy did we get lot's of attention. Hundreds of Koreans stopped to stare, comment and laugh. We felt like superstars.
I've been documenting Korean fashion which will end up being a post all it's own. There is no set fashion that I can see among all ages of Korean men and women. There is a mix of traditional and modern dress. They seem to have taken the extreme western fashions and ran with them. This picture for example reminds me of 80's valley girl fashion.
Lot's of people wear masks for one reason or another. I thought this one was cool.
Yummy! NOT.


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Now that kind of vending machine could be very dangerous for me... especially if it contained tatting books!

I'll bet you and Andy looked very strange walking down the street, but I'm guessing you had a really cool view of all the sights.

The river walk looks fabulous... someplace I'd really enjoy visiting!

Tattycat said...

Books in vending machine - I like it! The river walk is amazing. I hope it makes up for the unpleasant stuff!

zarina said...

Thanks for sharing the photos.I think they are the best way of *talking* about places or events. Which means I need to start snapping photos but I do but have not put it up in my other blog.

Unknown said...

Wow, that vending machine is something. They should do that here, but if they did it would probably start a riot.
That was fun seeing all that. Thanks for the tour. You and Andy sound cute together. That's cute that he put you on his shoulders to walk down the street.

Marilee Rockley said...

Too bad you can't find any bargains there, Sherry. Maybe there will be some yet. I like the book vending machine idea.