Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh Happy Day! Our stuff is here...

Have you ever been in a situation where you are alone in a crowd of people? You don't know what's going on and you feel very uncomfortable...and then you see a familiar face in the crowd and a wave of relief washes over you? Even if that familiar face is just an aquaintance all the sudden everything just seems better.
Well, that is the way I felt today when our household goods arrived. I had no idea that I have been depressed until a few familiar and comforting items started trickling in. We didn't pack much so it only took the movers 40 minutes to unload our stuff. I haven't felt this happy since Shuttlebirds Tatting Conference. In fact, I am feeling a bit ashamed that I have apparently put so much value on material posessions...I have never thought of myself as a materialist.
Here are the gentlmen who brought cheer with them today.
We had one crate and a small container of stuff....750ish pounds.

Following are the reasons why I feel so happy to have my belongings today!
A.) I get to sleep in my own bed tonight! A real bed...with my own soft blankets. You haven't lived until you've slept in a Korean bed....I want to say that it is better than sleeping on the floor, but it's almost exactly like sleeping on the floor. After several back injuries, I just can't take that garbage anymore.
Andy and I are both sick with what they call the "Korean Crud"; a combination of new bacteria and severe pollution. So big sigh of relief for our own bed!
B.) Our bicycles are here! I just love my bike...it's one of my very favorite posessions. It is soooo fun to ride and I like to ring the little bell...o.k. enough of that.
C.) My art supplies are here so that I can get back to work creating. If I don't have the opportunity to be creative then my spirits start to decline very quickly. I am SOOOO happy that I can get back to work! Whoo hoo!
In the photo above are some of my tatting shuttles being carefully unpacked. The shuttles represent 6 months of blood sweat and tears on my part (literally). I took a risk in bringing them over, but I am happy that I did, so that I can continue to share them with the world.
I also brought my Dulcimer..because playing it calms me. I brought some canvas and paints, lots of art and tatting supplies, my vintage cameras and film to shoot with, and other than some clothing that is about it.
And everything seems to have arrived in good condition which is a FIRST let me tell you!


I've got work to do and a sick hubby to take care of!


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I'm so glad your belongings arrived safely. I'm not sure it's so much materialism as familiarity. There's something comforting about having familiar belongings with you when you're in a strange place. Have fun unpacking, and I hope you're both feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Yay! All your stuff is with you now. You sound very relieved. I would be! I'm glad things arrived okay.

Tattycat said...

I am so glad you have your things! I remember what that was like and I wasn't even in Korea. I was in Florida when I got my stuff back after being without it for TWO YEARS in England. Every little thing I touched was so precious. I think I cried all day that day. No, not materialistic, just human sweetie! I hope you are both relaxing in that bed and will be well before you know it!

Bonnie said...

I'm glad your stuff finally arrived. I hope you and Andy sleep well on your own bed tonight which is/was actually last night for you now :-) ! and that your both over the sickness soon. What is a Dulcimer?

So Much to Do and So Little Time said...

i miss you guys a ton. thanks for the pic tours and updates. i'm in vegas right now but finally get to be back with betsy after a month and a half of traveling the world. i can't wait for you to be back stateside so we can come see you. it's not the same in idaho without my favorites. take care and have fun, hope you both feel better soon. tell andy i said hello. talk to you soon.


zarina said...

I know what it must have been. Our family has been moving from M'sia and America many times. our own stuff no matter how old or it looks - it is still our stuff.

Btw - I did my first HDT. Very crude but learning the characteristics of the thread and dye.

Tatskool said...

I loved the tour of your house, it's very grand.
Hope that now your stuff has arrived you will begin to settle in. there is no place like home no matter where it is and your own stuff makes it home.
Now just get well.

The Hussy Housewife said...

Ahhh, the comforts of home. Sweet bike, we will have to cruise sometime...

Anita said...

When you said "severe pollution" I thought of my visit to CA for the first time. Ugh! I'm thinking Seoul is worse. I feel for ya. But what fun to read your blog!