Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My kitty is broken

A couple of weeks ago my clown cat jumped off the balcony and broke his leg whilst in the care of my dear bro and sis. Bummer yes...but stuff happens right? and we must learn to go with the flow.
So we have been doing our best to communicate from Korea to Seattle (16 hour time difference) to do what is best for kitty without breaking the bank.
Well this tough situation has gone from bad to "beyond nightmare"....but we are still trying to go with the flow.
The bank is officially broken and my kitty's leg needs to be amputated. Prior to this decision I had been having nightmares everynight about poor Raku and the strain of the situation has added to this chronic illness I have picked up in Korea.
The vet said Raku probably won't even miss the leg, that he will still have his mobility and spunk...and trust me this cat has extra spunk. So I feel reassured that he is going to live a long and healthy life.
Because of the steep financial burden we had the option of relinquishing ownership to the vet and they would adopt him out to another family.
After many many MANY hours of tears, I decided that I cannot leave a man down (even if he is a cat). There is no way I can let this healthy spoiled rottin character go to another family sans one leg. With hubby's blessing, I had a looong discussion with the vet at 4:00AM my time and we came up with a plan. We can finance his surgery and he'll get to stay in the family.

I mean ...look at this picture...how can I separate these two...they are the best of friends. And since Chicane raised Raku, Raku is just like a dog! It's great! In fact, we call him "little dog".


And here is a funny story about "little dog". My lovely mother-in-law was visiting us and we were sitting around having a conversation about Hobo spiders. There were lots of them around our property at the time. Raku is very adept and catching and killing these deadly spiders.
We were all pretty "creeped out" talking about them so we decided to get out of the house for a bite to eat. When my mom went to put her shoes on, she was very startled by something in the shoe. Thinking it could be a spider we had a tense moment. On closer inspection, we found a big chunk of potpourri in her shoe, placed there by none other than Raku. Potpourri in a shoe....now that is funny!

Writing certainly makes me feel better. Thanks for listening! Seoul: part 2 tomorrow!


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

That's a lot of tough decision making, especially long distance! I hope your kitty recovers quickly and has no more accidents!

Unknown said...

OH, Sherry, my heart breaks for you and your poor kitty with what you must have been going through about the decision for the kitty (your baby). I totally understand. I would be sick with worry, too. I'm glad that he can stay in the family and I'm sorry that the bank is broken. I'll keep you and kitty in my prayers...poor little thing.

The Hussy Housewife said...

OMGosh, I am sooo sorry. I hope my animal luck is not rubbing off on you. I think you made the right choice. You will sleep better.
It might have been to much of a shock to loose a leg and a family at the same time. So why couldn't the cat come two??

Kristi O said...

I am one of Jamie's friends and read your blog faithfully. I am so sorry about your kitty, We would foster him for you if you need someone. I feel awful you had to make all these decisions so far way. Poor baby!

Tattycat said...

Poor Raku and poor Mom and Dad. I am so glad that Raku is going to be okay and still be with you. I know how hard these things are.

Anonymous said...

So I will have pics in the next couple of days....minus the cone. He is doing really well. And for the record he is still as frisky as ever. I got some love bits lastnight. I was talking to Greg on the phone and petting him...well I wasn't paying attention to the right person (Raku). Just know he is in Aunties hands and I will have him back to tearing it up in no time. Loves!!!!