Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving! It's all about the small things....

It is Thanksgiving today and we are in Korea without an oven. All is well though, because we bought a turkey and some sides which will be eaten with cousin in Seoul on the weekend.
Cousin has an oven. Oh how lucky to have a cousin with an oven...and that is just one of the many things we are thankful for this year!

Here are some other things we are thankful for! Friends and Family.

I am especially thankful for my dear sweet buddy Amber! Yes, YOU girl! For my birthday Amber bought me a sprout growing container and some seeds. I LOVE sprouts and have been very sad these last several months to go without them. All I have found in Korea have been bean sprouts....not the same!
I've got them growing good and well now and eat them everyday! One of my favorites foods is a little something I invented called....wait for it.....wait for it.....

"The Yummy Goodness!"
Yep and it may look and/or sound gross but everyone who has tried it has liked it! And it is oh so healthy! Here goes:
Slap down a tortilla and slather some hummus on it (in my case...home made because why would Korea be cool enough to have hummus?)
Put in the microwave for about 45 seconds,
Then put a scoop of cottage cheese on it as well as some of those delicious sprouts (again...home grown....see prev parenthesis) and top it of with....wait for it......home made hot sauce....(that I smuggled in to the country) sue me!

I've been missing, dare I say desperately, this wonderful meal since I arrived in this ingredient barren land. But now I am happy again...thanks to Amber! Yummy goodness will most likely be my thanksgiving dinner tonight!

I am also thankful for my cousin Jamie who (knowing that we don't have an oven) sent a baked goods care package. Oh my goodness....cookies and banana bread! caused some serious marital discord when Andy thought it was all for him! I would show you pictures but we ate it too fast.

I am thankful for my sister who skypes us every other day. She keeps me posted on everything so that I don't feel quite so left out of family matters. Plus I get to talk to our nephews quite a bit which is awesome!

We are thankful for health, adventures, one another and a military income during our economical down turn.

Thank you Lord for all your blessings!


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sherry! I wish you and your family all the best this holiday season and throughout the year!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving Andy and Sherry! Enjoy your turkey dinner with the cuz!

The Hussy Housewife said...

Hello!! It is Misty and Jamie..trying to find you but it is 4am there. We love and miss you. Thanks for the blog love :)