Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Best 5 bucks we've ever spent!

Here is me throwing down my fiercest back hand pose. very afraid.


O.k, let me explain. This is not a badminton racket in my hand but rather a high tech, state of the art mosquito killer. Or as the Koreans call the little beasties..."mogies".
Side note: (Thank you Korea for not having regulatory laws on shocking devices and thank you for selling them in mass for only 5 dollars.)
Oh yes, I'll be sneaking this 'oh so awesome' racket back to the U.S. know it!
It doesn't matter that I have shocked myself (inadvertently or otherwise) with it over a dozen times so far.

Mogies are a real plague here in Korea.....and trust me, I know bad mosquito infestations...I have lived through them in Florida. For the last three weeks, Andy and I wake up every morning with the dreaded "pimple looking" bites all over our faces....and poor Chicane too.

They have taken to biting my eyelids which make my eyes swell and look as if I have run into a door knob.

We have come to HATE them!
Yes, hate is a strong word even for these blood sucking, buzzing little clowns. I channel all my rage toward this singular insect by becoming the hunter rather than the hunted.
Andy and I take turns doing "the sweep" before bedtime. When our bug zapper makes contact with one there is this sick yet satisfying snap, crackle and pop and then the lingering smell of burnt hair. ....and then nothing but smiles and hope for a night of restful sleep....
We haven't had a night of restful sleep in almost a month now....because for every mogie we kill there are a dozen more lurking. We keep the zapper within reach at night. We are both guilty of jump out of bed around 3 or 4 in the morning incoherently cursing the wretched winged devils with shouts of, "I'm gonna get you! and Die sucker! (pun intended) and HA HA HA....take that!"
We also take turns encouraging each other with "Good job babe! You killed that one DEAD! There's another one...GET HER!!"
You can learn a lot of interesting facts about these distasteful creatures compliments of Wikipedia.


Unknown said...

Good for you for taking a solution in your own hands...pun intended! I think I would feel equally rageful if I had to deal with the "suckers", LOL!

The Hussy Housewife said...

GET THEM!! I totally got a visual of you guys laughing while you swat them to death. you should do research and see if taking B12 and garlic will keep them away?

Singtatter said...

A nice pose! We can get these rackets here in Singapore too, my hubby uses them most of the time, but I'm slow with it and and hardly catch any mosquitoes!

Maureen said...

You need a mosquito net to sleep under! And peppermint oil will repel them as well, a little rubbed on strategic spots can help.

Anonymous said...

Its been a long while I have not been here. Have you tried sleeping in mosquito nets? IKEA here have them in stock. But its real pitiful that its so dreadful for you there. Thank God Malaysia is not that bad.