Are you's quite a hassle so hang on for the ride!
1.) Both Andy and I go to the ATM machine on base and max out our withdrawal limits. Our Korean rent is equivalent to paying our home mortgage.
2.) Take the stack of 20 dollar bills into the base bank and exchange them for 100 dollar bills (you get a better exchange rate this way.)
3.) Take your 100 dollar bills into the money exchange right outside the base's main gate. Trying not to get robbed on the way!
4.) Since the Korean Won's highest bill is 10,000 won (comparable to a $10 bill) we have to pay our 13 million won rent in these small bills.
5.) Hurry across the street to our realtor to give her the hugmongus stack of money, which in turn she will give to our landlord.
6.) Here is Kay counting the money and giving me a receipt.
6.) Here is Kay counting the money and giving me a receipt.
Yes, we go through this rigmarole every month as does every military family that lives off base.
You have to pay in's the only way they will accept rent.
Isn't this the craziest thing you've ever heard?
That is a crazy way to pay the rent! I would definitely feel stress holding that much cash... shiver!
What an ORDEAL! LOL!
If I were given a chance to travel, CHINA will be on the top of the list of places I don NOT to travel. I have many of these stories from young that scares me.
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