Monday, October 6, 2008

Biggest NOPER ever!

Here we have fish fin, Chicken Feet and raw fish. Yupper? Noper? Yet to be determined.
The first pot is boiled silk worms and the second pot is snails(or hermit crabs) in the shells

Andy was brave enough to eat one of these worms. They smelled like a hot musty out house and Andy said that it tasted pretty much the way it smelled and was the worst thing he has ever eaten. With that said, I decided not to try it as it would be pretty emabarrasing to throw up in front of the cooks.
Got some stuffed squid for you. We didn't try this one either...I think the silk worms threw us off our adventerous spirits for the night. So this could very well be a yupper....we don't know.

Can you guess what this is? I actually liked them and they are a YUPPER!
So of course this is a yupper. A $15 waffle to be exact. But it was worth every penny...let me tell you. Ahhh I would like to eat another one right now!


Unknown said...

That waffle looks great and it does look like it was worth every penny...especially after your other gustatory adventure. I just have one thing to say about those other things:

Nana Farhanna said...

is that chestnut? mm i love it..! :)

Nana Farhanna said...

love ur blogs anyway.. lots of interesting stuff here..

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I have to agree with TattingChic... I'm glad Andy's adventurous!

3 Busy Boys said...

Sherry my friend, it's great to hear from you. You haven't heard from me because our stinkin' orders are STILL in the frickin' air! Sooo.. stand by to stand by! "supposedly" we should know something by mid Oct. We're down to the last 8 weeks! YIKES!!! Do you guys have an assignment yet? 1/2 way huh?

Unknown said...

These foods are the reason I could never live overseas. The waffle's the only thing I'd even try.

Unknown said...

I think those are some kind of nut ... I love your Yupper and Noper blogs! Yeah, that waffle looked yummy!

The Hussy Housewife said...

Ok..I just threw up in my mouth! Yuck!! Double Yuck..and to think you have to kiss that mouth of Andy's after he puts that stuff in it!!

Those are some kind of nuts cluster in a fruit that falsl from a tree?