Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We love a good BM.... don't you????

Remember back when we first moved to Korea and we were talking about our awesome heated toilets? I mentioned that surely this topic would be revisited....well, I keep my promises.

This blog will not contain gross pictures...because I just can't bring myself to to that...but it will be vividly detailed so those with a weak constitution may want to stop reading NOW.

Seriously....there is no turning back from here......

Did you know that there are "No Pooping" signs in Beijing? Yep, people have been known to just drop trou and squat and unload on the side of the street. I'm NOT making this up. In fact we personally witnessed a small boy doing just that....right across the street from the Forbidden City. He hung his little behind over the street grate and let her rip! I guess the government is really trying to crack down on this problem ...especially in the big cities. But "IT" happens folks!

Also, we saw this cute little toddler with his parents (this was in Shanghai) all dressed up in this sweet little baby outfit. When he turned his back to us his whole complete bare bottom was exposed to the world. Yep, these babies don't wear diapers....they wear bottom-less chaps and I guess they just "go" whenever they need to.

We take Chicane for a walk when she wants to do her "business" and I suppose the Chinese just take their kids for a walk in much the same manner.

So I might have mentioned that the Chinese may have 1 public restroom for every 500,000 people. These "restrooms" are literally just holes in the ground and that's about it. You would be lucky to find a clean one. We weren't that lucky. In fact, I spent most of my vacation just holding it.

There was this one occasion where we were visiting the Olympic village and we were far far away from home... Both of us needed to use a restroom. So after walking about 20 miles (yes....Olympic village is HUGE!) we find a LONG line of people, some with wads of TP in their hands (obviously savvy foreigners, and we were like EUREKA! So we get in our respective long lines. I have my treasured wad of TP in my hand. The closer I get to the bathroom door the more assaulted my sense of smell becomes. I stood in line a good 15 minutes before gaining view of the bathroom door entrance. With excitement and trepidation mounting I start my little "don't pee my pants" dance when all of the sudden 5 little old Asian ladies completely cut in line right in front of me. .......I'll pause here to share Andy's story which is going on simultaneously to this one.....

Andy in his own words....

Ever tried to use a urinal with 25 dudes trying to be next in line to the point they are on your back and looking over your shoulder? No? Me either. I walked in to the WC saw the gaggle at the urinal and decided a stall would be a better choice. The first stall was open a few inches so I slowly pushed on the door to open it and the entire door fell off it's hinges and slammed into a Chinese man inside. When angry words started roaring out from behind the collapsed stall door, I decided to promptly leave without using the bathroom.

Back to Sherry: I got four of those sneaky old Asian ladies to find somewhere else to wreak havoc, but the last one was really stubborn and she dug her heals in. So I said "HEY!" and I heard an echo of "heys" in line behind me....apparently I wasn't the only one who didn't appreciate this lapse in courtesy.
The smell was really getting to me and I was peeved so I made a hasty decision to get the goob out of there and so abandoned my precious well-earned spot, much to the delight of the 50 people in line behind me.

I met Andy and we shared our stories and laughed (sort of) because neither of us accomplished our mission. We took a taxi back to the hotel and raced down our hallway to see who got to use the potty first.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pack your own toilet paper and DON'T DRINK THE WATER.....we're going to China!

We are almost half way through our Korea adventure...can you believe it? Ughhh I am sooooo behind on our blogs. Also we realized ..."Holy Smokes..we need to get some traveling under our belt".

First stop: BEIJING!!!

Thank God for the Olympics because I have a feeling that the city of Beijing is 100% improved because of the event.
We got the full benefit of a cleaned up city with beautiful architecture and somewhat clean air! We really think Beijing is an awesome place to visit. In fact we found China to be so much preferable to South Korea....(but more about that in a later blog.)

All the research I did prepared us for the fact that bathrooms in China were going to be hard to find and most likely NOT up to western standards. Also, one must carry their own roll of TP. This is a luxury that Americans take for granted...public restrooms nearly everywhere you go and free toilet paper. I LOVE AMERICA!!!!!

Of course I had to use the bathroom as soon as our plane landed and here is a picture of the bathroom in the Beijing Airport. Besides the "normal" toilet in our western style hotel, this was the nicest bathroom we encountered during our vacation.

I was super glad that I had TP with me. Fortunately for you this is the only bathroom picture I will show on the blog.
I want to keep this blog rated PG and I don't want to gross anyone out....(but I will be describing our bathroom adventures in detail later...so be forewarned.)

After a long "rip off" taxi ride from the airport to our hotel...(Taxi's will be a whole other blog). We settled into our hotel and decided to explore the city straight away.

Even Andy, the "Human Map", (also fodder for another blog) needed a little help to get us going in the right direction.
EVERYWHERE were remnants of the games. Let me just say that a whole lot of money was spent on this Olympics. Beijing 2008 posters, banners, paintings, advertisements, sculptures are literally on every street you walk.
Another thing we noticed were the number of bicyclists around. It is great! One of the measures that China took to help alleviate their horrid pollution problem was to take 800,000 cars off the street everyday before the Olympics. We were told that there are 3 million cars in Beijing alone. Since this measure had such a noticeable impact on the air quality they decided to put this into effect again. YAY! In fact they stared this on the Monday that we arrived. The pollution was really bad and both of us could feel it in our eyes, nose and throat. By Wednesday the air was almost clear! WOW! Only in a Communist country can you tell 1/3 of drivers that they cannot drive on particular days. That's one star for communism. The ONLY star they are getting from me! (Commies VS. Capitalist swine is also another blog we have lined up).
We walked in the direction of where we thought Tianamen Square might be. It was supposedly a 15 minute walk from our hotel. We are walking along and everything is going fine when the street we are on goes into an old neighborhood of Beijing. I am really excited because I care more about this China than I do about all the touristy rubbish. But Andy gets all "sketched" out. He's like, "It's not smart to go down dark alley ways in the dark..." and I'm all like, "Yeah! but this is probably the ONLY neighborhood that Beijing didn't demolish for the Olympics and I want to see it!" But of course Hubby won this round, but he did let me take this picture of him. He is almost bigger than the shop.
So we walk around in circles for two hours when we wind up back where we started. By this time the charm of walking is starting to wear off. We see a guy on a rickety bike rickshaw type deal and he wants to give us a ride. We agree on a price of 2. My throbbing feet were grateful and we settled in for a quaint bike ride. Well guess what? We end up riding down the street that Andy didn't want to go in the first place. Yeah, it was sketchy...but it was the right way! This guy starts pedaling and I kinda feel sorry for him because Andy is kind of a big dude. But I decide to settle in for the ride and enjoy the scenery. About 90 seconds into the ride our driver took this photo of us.

Ahhhh! Look at the happy couple...and yes we are NOT in focus....thanks for nothing buddy!

Driver gets back on and pedals for another 8 or 10 minutes and stops. What?!?! We are there already??? After walking around for two hours??....it was just down that sketchy street that Andy thought was so "dangerous"?
So we get off the bike and Andy gets out his wallet to pay the man with 2 Yuan. The driver gets all upset and pulls out his cell phone and shows Andy that he wants 200 Yuan. Well folks, 200 yuan is about $30 U.S. dollars. Andy said,"NO Way" you only went 2 blocks. And driver made all kinds of gestures about how laborious it was to cycle us even that far. Andy only had big bills in his wallet and gave the man 100 yuan. The man was "acting" all upset but really let's think about it for a minute. Do you know anyone that makes $15 for 10 minutes of work? We were cheated for the second time that day. But the good thing about us Pences is that we learn very quickly and getting this nonsense out of the way the first day proved beneficial for the rest of the trip.

I'll stop here for now...but just know that I have about 15 posts in "draft" mode.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Danger!!!! DANGER!!! 90 second cake

So I stumbled across "Mug Cakes" on the "Here be Tatters" group. This recipe has become viral of late. And being the rebel that I am I decided to take this brilliant concept to a whole 'nother level.
I think pictures will best describe what we are talking about here!

I have been without an oven for 5 months now. You cannot believe how stoked I am to get cake from the microwave...in just 90 seconds. It's evilicious!
Any chocolate cake mix will do.
I prefer bowls to mugs. It bakes faster so that I don't have to waste precious seconds getting that oozy warm chocolate to my lips AND even though it is the same serving....I THINK I am getting more!
Must use bottled water here in Korea. I don't worry about measurements...another trivial detail that just takes up too much time.
Stir well; runny pudding consistency is what you are looking for.
Hershey kisses, chocolate chips...whatever...THROW IT IN BABY and HURRY!
Looking good.
90 seconds more or less
Let's soup it up a bit eh??? Can we get more evil than this??? I don't think so!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's going to be quiet for a little while.....

We are getting ready for a little vacation in China. So this blog will be quiet for a time. There will be lot's to share when we return so please stay tuned.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Biggest NOPER ever!

Here we have fish fin, Chicken Feet and raw fish. Yupper? Noper? Yet to be determined.
The first pot is boiled silk worms and the second pot is snails(or hermit crabs) in the shells

Andy was brave enough to eat one of these worms. They smelled like a hot musty out house and Andy said that it tasted pretty much the way it smelled and was the worst thing he has ever eaten. With that said, I decided not to try it as it would be pretty emabarrasing to throw up in front of the cooks.
Got some stuffed squid for you. We didn't try this one either...I think the silk worms threw us off our adventerous spirits for the night. So this could very well be a yupper....we don't know.

Can you guess what this is? I actually liked them and they are a YUPPER!
So of course this is a yupper. A $15 waffle to be exact. But it was worth every penny...let me tell you. Ahhh I would like to eat another one right now!