Monday, May 5, 2008

Safe Landing...

Oh my goodness I have so much to share. This is the first chance I have had to get on the internet and I am in a very public and distracting place right now. But we should get our own internet hooked up soon and then I can share lot's of funny stuff with you.
Andy and I got to sit together on the flight which was wonderful! The 777 we took was completely packed with people so the flight was a bit uncomfortable. Chicane traveled wonderfully! She was crated for almost 17 hours and never had a single accident. She seems to really love it here and she is very popular with the Koreans...not because she looks delicious but because she is a large and unusual looking animal (at least that is what I like to think).
We have a squadron mate here who has gone out of his way to help us get temporary lodgings and has driven us around and really helped us to feel welcome. He has been a huge blessing to us. We are staying in a little apartment kind of out in the country until we can find a place of our own. There are cows one block from us followed by this farm. It's a bit smelly.
Our first morning in Korea was a holiday, Buddha's birthday, and we awoke to drums and bellringing. It was kinda cool!
I tracked some of the early morning symphony to this house:
We are terribly jet-lagged, but that is to be expected. We love Korea so far. We still have a lot of inprocessing to do, an apartment to rent, a cheap junker car to buy (Andy has insisted) even though the driving here is absolutely CRAZY!!!!
We are both so happy that we brought "The Dog", she really seems to be enjoying herself. She is such a happy spirited creature. Here she is enjoying the view.
Lot's more to come...

1 comment:

The Hussy Housewife said...

Looks very intresting! Can't wait to see more.