Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hit the WALL

You know how when you were in school cramming for final exams or at work you had a big project deadline? Remember when it was finally over and you went on break or vacation and got sick the very first day?
Well, my body has been on high alert for months now...all kinds of pulls and stresses that I won't bother you with. The very day after we moved into our new Korean home my body shut down and I have basically slept the last 3 days.
I realized that I finally let my defenses down. The place we are staying in is just that "homey" where I feel comfortable enough to finally relax. I know that I have been under a lot of stress (more than I ever have in my life) but I didn't realize how bad it was. My body is kind of Yay for sleep!
Pictures of the home will be posted soon!
For now I will cheer you up with KOREA VS. SHERRY'S HAIR
It's a losing battle.
It seems that day after day my hair gets just a little bit bigger; it doesn't matter how much hair product I use to try and tame it. Lord have mercy on me.
My hair hasn't been this bad since I lived in Mississippi.
To put it very mildly, I don't like humidity!!!

Andy offically started his new job today (his training is done and he is on his own) He works directly under a 3-star general doing some super top secret stuff that I don't even ask about, I am sure it is absolutely thrilling...maybe he'll tell me in 50 years when everything becomes declassified.
He is starting out pretty busy here which I am a little dissapointed about. We sort of understood that he would be working regular/predictable 8 hour days. This would enable us to be like a normal family and have dinner together and stuff. I mean that is why I uprooted my whole life to come with that we could finally spend some time together. He's working 12 hour shifts now which is still less work than what he's been doing the last 5 years. So we'll see!

The good news is, is that last night we did get to eat dinner together! Whoo hoo! Our second homemade, sit down meal this year! These are the little things that you take for granted when you have them in your life. But these little things have become very important to us because they have been taken away for so long - a simple meal together at home.
I have been loaned some dishes from the base and we went shopping at the commissary (which is a blog all of it's own) and we made a spicy pasta dish. We laughed and had a great time!
Life truly is about the small things....don't forget to enjoy them!


3 Busy Boys said...

Hey Guys!
Long time no talk. We're following your blog and better yet could be taking the giant leap of faith and joining you in a few months! So stand by and start taking REALLY good notes. You met our good friends at the bolling alley this weekend. Angela and Ainsley? They have 2 boys and a girl? Anyways, would love to hear more! Perhaps we'll be neighbors again sooner than later.
Take care,
Kristi and Dave

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry! That hair is the best! :) I've had such a great time reading your blogs!

Marilee Rockley said...

I would absolutely love to have that much hair!
Hope you get to spend more free time with your hubby.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are getting to spend a little bit more time together. That is so sweet and the whole point of going there. Sounds like you really needed the sleep. Can't wait to hear more!

The Hussy Housewife said...

TAME THE BEAST! Wow, is that what happens when you get mad??? LOL