Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Korean House: Part 1

We kept calling this an apartment but it is actually a very large home divided into two living spaces. We occupy the first two stories.
The street is actually pretty empty in this photo; usually there are cars lined up on each side. In fact, that is our garage in the picture....but we can never use it because there are always cars blocking the entry. We either cannot get in or cannot get out. So there you have it. Lets walk up to the gate.
We'll press the doorbell/video screen and maybe Chicane will buzz us in.
Hey! Wait for me.....I know your excited!
Thanks for coming back. I wanted to show you the inside of our security gate. This place has a very nice security system which we cannot seem to figure out. So needless to say we spent the first 3 days listening to all kinds of alarms going off. It wasn't very good for my heart.
This is our front door and a beautiful window for chicane to look out into her yard.
And here is Chicane's yard. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have this fabulous home. I am currently trying to grow some grass here. It took me a year and a half to fix our yard in Boise so I am hoping that with experience I can cut this time in half.
Do you want to come inside? O.k. Let's go.
Please take off your shoes. This is our shoe room. You can put your shoes in the cupboard on the right and lets open the second door and pop on in.
O.k. We are inside now looking back at the shoe entry. Thank you for taking off your shoes and now I'll take you on a tour of the house....tomorrow.


Maureen said...

Oh, it's beautiful - a walled garden, a haven of peace! I can already "see" you, sitting at the white table in your garden with your tatting.

The Hussy Housewife said...

I think it looks soo cool. Love the curved window!! Very beautiful. Oh BTW We have skype. Gramps was telling me you have it. Maybe we can Skype together and have them see you two! I told him I would help him get set up.

Unknown said...

That is so totally COOL and GORGEOUS. It looks safe, too. I'm relieved to know you are living in such a nice place.

zarina said...

What a lovely home after all the bustling from one end of the world to the other. I'm quite sure all three of you will enjoy your stay in Korea in such LOVELY home. Skype - I can call you since its cheaper and hey, its free since I'm in the mobile company. LOL

zarina said...

Oh yes, I want that shoe room. No need to bring up my shoes for storage.