Wednesday, May 7, 2008

4th day

Today is our fourth morning in "The Land of the Morning Calm". We have been in a daze since we landed. From the time we got off the plane we have been running around, sleep deprived trying to get settled in. We haven't had a moment's rest yet, but we have sure accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. We feel like we've been here for weeks already.
They say that people who are overly tired are equivelent to a drunken person. This I believe to be true.
On Tuesday we bought an old junker car to get around in (which I will blog about soon). 10 minutes after we bought the car we drove a block and parked in someone's reserved parking spot. Parking is extremely limited on base and Andy left me to tend the car in case it needed to be moved. So I am sitting in the car when a GOV pulls up behind me. I get out of the car to ask if I should move it. He says that I am fine. So I get back in the car. At first I am a little puzzled because there was something on the floor that I hadn't seen before. Then I noticed that the rear view mirror was on the floor as well. I didn't remember the rearview mirror being broken, but we did buy a junker after all, so I spent a minute or two trying to fix it. Then I looked in the back seat and saw a stack of luggage that wasn't there before. OOOOOPS! I had climbed into someone else's car. Confused I hopped out and looked around and realized that our car was parked next to this one. They looked almost identical and being so exhausted, it took awhile to catch on.
Exhaustion is serious business! I am happy to report that today we are both feeling much better!
We have been amused by the many cartoonish safety signs that are posted all over base. This one is my favorite:
I believe this is meant to be read right to left.
This is how I interpret this sign.
1) Prepare yourself with safety while on the job.
2) Because you prepared well, now everything is "A" O.K!
3) No matter how much you prepare you will still get crushed by an on-coming truck if you don't pay attention!
This is the front door of the temporary place we are staying in. We have found that Korean doors are generally very highly ornamental. This picture seems to be a common theme among doors.

Our goal today is to find a place to live, and try to get our bodies adjusted to Korea time. Our internet service is very sporadic just now so forgive us if we owe you an email. We will be sure to respond to all emails as soon as we can.
Please leave a comment to let us know you stopped by!


Unknown said...

I am glad to hear you guys are settling in and have some help.

I can so relate to the car thing. Once in college I got into an identical car...but the thing was it was locked and my key UNlocked the door and everything. I was so upset when "my" car wouldn't start and then I see this sweater and books that weren't mine and I totally freaked out. Someone told me that some brands of cars make locks that are identical in the car doors to save money or something. It was pretty funny.

Marilee Rockley said...

That is a very pretty door, and the cartoons on the signs remind me of the style in the anime' movies that my oldest is so fond of watching.
You need some rest!

The Hussy Housewife said...

Your gonna get a DUI. Driving under insomnia!

zarina said...

All my cars that I have owned are so common that there was one time, there were about five of them all in one block (some even in rows). Even the third car seems very common.

Enjoying your journals as usual.