You can eat like a King on $5 a day in Beijing!
O.K. the following pictures are all from a "grocery store". It was a really unique and cool experience. This "store" was right next to our hotel. In the store there were a bunch of vendors, some selling bread, some selling meat, some selling Chinese booze. There was a small section within the store that looked like a regular grocery store with toiletry items and what not.
We looked around, were amazed at what we saw...(and smelled) and we drove everyone crazy with our camera flashes.
Anyhow, let's get on with it shall we?

Here is an example of something I wouldn't eat unless maybe I was absolutely starving. These were alive and wiggling folks and it's like bulk food. "Hey honey, can you go to the store and buy some jumbo meal worms? Yeah the big ones...you know what I'm talking about, and make sure they are nice and fresh"

We decided to focus our energy on a section that looked like bulk candies. Both of us went crazy filling our bags with colorful enticing treats. In the end I think we spent a whole whopping dollar.
We decided to focus our energy on a section that looked like bulk candies. Both of us went crazy filling our bags with colorful enticing treats. In the end I think we spent a whole whopping dollar.
This is tuckahone cake. It's not cake, it's not even sweet. It's like a flavorless fruit leather wrapped in Styrofoam like rice. Mmmmm....... NOPER!
This looks like it could be good. All colorful and pretending to hide something sweet.
Spoofer! It was some weird semi-dried fruit...again ...Not sweet.

These are all along the same line. I guess the Chinese love bland jelly stuff, or tart dried fruits. We were hard pressed to find anything sweet. It was a bit of a dissapointment

I'd have to say that this is the closest to being a yupper. Looks good right. They call it peach pastry...but it's just fruit leather without any sugar. All of it is the same ol' stuff.

Well, this post is getting lengthy so I'll sign off for now. We have more Chinese Yuppers and Nopers and other funny experiences. I'll get around to sharing it someday.