Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our dog is a ROCKSTAR

Yeah! Our dog is pretty much the Beyonce Knowles of the dog world.
This is a typical scene.
Every time we take Chicane out in public the Koreans go crazy over her. She may well be the only pointer in this whole county. Most Korean dogs are small and definitely not spotted like our girl. She causes quite the ruckus. She has literally stopped traffic more than once.
We've been told that in this country she is worth $10,000 and if we were in Japan she would be worth $50,000. Ha ha....she must be some tasty treat! No really, there's no way I would ever sell her for any amount of money...would you sell your kids? That's all I gotta say.
However, I should start charging people for pictures of her.
As much as people seem to love Chicane, other dogs seem to hate her with equal intensity.
I don't know if it's her royal bloodline....she's a decedent of the "Von Jägermeister" line (I'm not making this up)....or if it is that she thinks she is a human, and won't give other animals the time of day. Whatever it is she has been attacked by many other dogs. We didn't mean to raise such a snob and all the attention she is getting from everybody is certainly not helping our cause.

Dog training goes a long way and our girl is not only super smart but she is very well behaved. Andy always makes her run through commands for the Koreans and they think it is the greatest thing in the world to watch her sit and lay down on commmand.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mini Moo's live in my Happy Place

I haven't been able to stop talking about mini cows since I first heard about them a couple years ago.

Let's take a break from the reality that is my life (living in Korea) and spend a little time in my "Happy Place".

They are the coolest things since square watermelons.

Monday, September 1, 2008

This is for you Misty!

I think my sister is this blog's #1 fan and perhaps our only reader....so sister girlfriend...this one's for you!


These are awesome! Yuppers baby! I've decided that I love everything "Aloe". These sugar free "Jolly Rancher-like" candies are a guilt free pleasure.

Oh my goodness! Just looking at this picture makes me wanna gag! NOPER x 2! GROSS!
It's some kind of chemically manufactured totally synthetic juice with some kind of orange pulp floating around in it. This is a case of me falling for great marketing. I mean look at this...wouldn't you want to try it? Blah...it's totally disgusting....excuse me while I go yack!

Um...Andy might say Yuppers on these strange cookie/cracker sandwiches but I say NOPER! I think I like my Sesame flavor to be savory and not sweet.


YUPPERS with two snaps around the world and BACK!

Ummm hmmm! I think I am addicted to these moon pie thingies. I think they are like 5,000 calories a piece and probably the reason why I have gained 5 pounds since moving to Korea. They are laced with some kind of Korean crack or something because I can't stop eating them. Funny thing is, is that I NEVER eat this kind of junk food back home in the USA. I know better....
Please help me......