Saturday, March 22, 2008

Caugh caugh splutter

Admittedly, it is a little dusty in this blog. But have no fear, it will soon be alive and energetic. We are exactly 45 days away from lift off. "Cinco de Mayo" is our departure date to S.Korea. Andy has been gone for nearly the last 6 weeks doing special training for his new mission, leaving the wife to do most of the detail work.
We still have yet to sell our vehicle, rent our house, do major construction on our property, pack stuff to take to Korea (our weight limit is 1,600 me, that is not much), pack our stuff to go into storage, catch up on all our doctor's and veterinary appointments, oh and we haven't even done the taxes yet..... ah....the list goes on. I am already tired just thinking about it.
We are very much looking forward to our new assignment and at the same time we are very sad to leave our home and friends/family. Everything we have heard from friends who have done this tour, is nothing but "good stuff". back and visit soon! I don't know what kind of adventures will fill this electronic diary but I assure you, it won't be boring!